Discover Renegade
The idea of presenting yourself to be joined for a lifetime calls for the most authentic expression of your lifetime. Renegade offers Dyeing Services, Custom Design Services, and exciting Collections.
Week of Feb 24: This Week's Important Announcements
1. Encore Brides understand priorities.
So many of the most common budget planning mistakes and post-nuptial regrets are more easily avoided by couples with more life experience. Maybe the first time around you were left questioning why you cared about wedding favors. Maybe the catering was only so-so last time and you know to choose a more creative chef for this celebration. You understand that this is a "no regrets" project.
Learn about our "No Regrets" philosophy as it relates to your bridal gown look.
2. Encore Brides know themselves.
When we're 22, we're just different women than when we're 30. That's a fact, and it's actually pretty cool to craft a celebration of your relationship when you have embraced your full spectrum of badassery. You know now that no grown woman has to ask permission to own her own flavor of you do you, boo!
From ombre to custom embroidery and beadwork, we love infusing bold style or personal details into bridal style. Learn more.
3. Encore Brides have their lifelong friends on lock.
College is probably long behind you. You've probably moved more than a couple times. Squad is solid. You're too old for weirdos desperate to be in matching dresses who will then whine about buying aforementioned dress. Your squad is genuinely celebrating this union. After all, they know your flavor of crazy and understand how your partner is your rocking counterpart.
Yes, we are ready for your squad. Hit us up about maids dresses in any color under the rainbow. Here's a favorite.
4. Encore Brides got that money, hunnay.
Ok, everybody has bills, but it's a rare 20-year-old that has equity, an advanced degree, or an enviable career. You might have all three. I'm just saying, chances are good that if you're having Mason jar centerpieces, it's by choice rather than necessity. You might be able to splurge a little bit on the vendors that excite you. Rent that Rolls Royce. Upgrade to silk. (It feels like buttah.) You've worked hard and made good choices.
Even our custom design services start with an affordable base rate. Go as crazy as you want with embellishment and personalization.
5. Encore Brides have an eye for quality.
If you're anything like me, I had no idea what good photography looked like when I was newly married. I had never had a need for a family photographer nor an event photographer. In the years since, though, for better or worse, I have preferences about style and quality. Experience brings discernment, and you'll weed out the amateurs easily.
If you're an Encore Bride with exciting ideas about your wedding day look, we'd love to hear them! Email, call, chat, or visit our Houston showroom for details.
The idea of presenting yourself to be joined for a lifetime calls for the most authentic expression of your lifetime. Renegade offers Dyeing Services, Custom Design Services, and exciting Collections.